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In 1900 Agustina Guffain founded the spiritist periodical of psychological studies The Iris of Peace (El Iris de Paz). The magazine circulated throughout the cities and countryside of Puerto Rico and beyond until 1912.  Due to its popularity and reach, it published letters, short stories, advertisements and even novels written by women. Women from diverse locations met and collaborated, and from these encounters emerged a freethinking solidarity and collective female consciousness. El Iris de Paz addresses three main themes within the spiritist scene of its time: 1) the strong condemnation of Spiritism by the Catholic Church; 2) Spiritism as a modernizing force in the new century, which promised significant changes; and 3) the key role of women as agents of change in the home and in society.

Browse the volumes of El Iris de Paz here.

In 1989 the Instituto Espiritista Francisco Simonet and The Asociación de Mujeres Espiritistas en Acción (A.M.E.P.A.) collaborated for the publication El Nuevo Criterio. The spiritist magazine’s primary objective was to promote the study, analysis and dissemination of scientific Spiritism. El Nuevo Criterio circulated throughout the Island for a period of ten years, with contributors from Puerto Rico, Venezuela, Brazil, Argentina and the U.S.A., among others. El Nuevo Criterio addresses a variety of themes including: spiritist education, spontaneous memories from past lives, Kardecian bibliography, spiritual obsession and multiple personalities, famous followers of Spiritism, mediumnistic messages, and research outcomes of diverse spiritist groups.

Browse the volumes of El Nuevo Criterio here.

In 1977 the Asociación de Mujeres Espiritistas Puertorriqueñas en Acción (A.M.E.P.A.), published Enfoque Espírita, the official organ of the organization.  Even after forty-four years of sustained publication, it continues to be a fundamental resource of Puerto Rican Spiritism. The primary objective of Enfoque Espírita is to disseminate Spiritism in its scientific and moral dimensions, as it is presented by the founder of Spiritism, Allan Kardec. The magazine addresses fundamental themes of the new millennium such as: globalization and spiritual search in the new millennium, the history of spiritist international organizations, fanaticism, and conferences, symposia and workshops open to the community.

Browse the volumes of Enfoque Espírita here.

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